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Accompaniment has as its main objective vocational discernment. It is a process where the person, in dialogue with the Lord, listens to the voice of the Spirit and comes to make the fundamental choices of his life. This journey takes place in sharing with the person accompanying you and in openness and fidelity to the voice of God.



O acompanhamento tem como objetivo principal o discernimento vocacional. É um processo onde a pessoa, em diálogo com o Senhor, escuta a voz do Espírito e chega a fazer as opções fundamentais, da sua vida. Esta caminhada realiza-se na partilha com a pessoa que acompanha e na abertura e fidelidade à voz de Deus.




Accompaniment is an evangelizing process, that is, a religious and human experience, which starts from the concrete reality of the young person, that is, the person accompanied, through listening, welcoming, walking “with” towards the goal, which is Jesus Christ, in order to discern the will of God regarding him. 

To reach this goal, the cooperation of human and divine elements is necessary, the overcoming of multiple obstacles, such as:  the wounds of sin; the frustrations; the fears; disordered affectivity; little knowledge of self and inadequate experience of God.

The call to be "born again" (conversion), from the God revealed in Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God, as a project for humanity and to enter into God's saving plan, is made from faith and life shared with someone, que nos acompanha individualmente, em      pequeno    group, in the religious community or in the ecclesial community.

Communion with God and solidarity with the poorest go hand in hand. The believer needs the strength of the Spirit to open paths of hope (cf. Rom 8). The seduction of God's love that makes the young person feel totally available, without fear or prejudice, because whatever God asks of him/her will help him/her to be happy and to help others. Vocational discernment, towards the Christian community and the world, will culminate in the process of seeking God's will, starting from an attitude of availability.

It will be a journey guided by openness, trust, transparency, docility to the Holy Spirit and a sincere and firm desire to find God's will.

On a personal level, the spiritual companionit is an instrument of an action in which the Holy Spirit is the protagonist.   He will be the facilitator of God's action in the life of the one accompanied, through careful attention to everyday life, feelings, experiences, thoughts, difficulties, progress and setbacks.   Its great mission is to illuminate the existence of the one accompanied, from the Word of God, the person of Jesus and His Gospel.

At the group or community level, the person gathers with others in the name of Jesus Christ, animated by the Spirit.  This type of accompaniment favors, above all, the following elements: 

  • The interpersonal relationship:based on a friendship, which is built from acceptance and mutual respect, which grows through confidence in each other, through mutual help, through the effort to share what they are and what they have. The relationship is characterized by coherence and authenticity.

  • In reflection and deepening of faith:people open themselves to the message of Jesus Christ and seek, together, to respond to that message. They place themselves in an attitude of conversion, reviewing their life together.

  • In prayer-celebration:pray to celebrate and make aware of the presence of Jesus in the group, in the community, to seek God's will and ask for the strength to carry it out.

  • On appointment:It is a group that has a certain sensitivity/charisma in the face of social needs, problems and injustices. Commit yourself to action, little by little, and that commitment will become a life project, according to the values you assume.


The Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherdthey offer a serious human and spiritual accompaniment, contemplating the different modalities, namely:  individual and group, always aiming at the human and spiritual growth of each person, respecting rhythms and processes.

If you want to discover God's will for you, don't waste time, look for someone to help you in that discernment, register on this site.

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