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Formation is aimed at sisters and lay people and provides the fundamental elements for identifying the person with the charism and preparing for the exercise of the specific mission of the Congregation.  The model used is the holistic model, because it considers the “whole person”, takes an approach that tries to encompass all aspects of the human being: mind, body and spirit, in the process of growth and transformation. This also assumes an experiential, participative, contemplative character and facilitator of connection.

Formation of the Sisters

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Initial formation

The initial formation for the sisters corresponds to the preparation of the person for the total consecration of oneself to God, following Christ, at the service of the mission. It consists of several stages: pre-novitiate, novitiate, temporary vows, readmission to the Congregation and transfer to the Congregation.


The Pre-Novitiate is a time of mutual acquaintance between the congregation and the candidate. Its objective is to accompany the growth of the pre-novice in her commitment and to clarify the motivations of her call to be a disciple of Jesus, Good Shepherd. This stage will not exceed 2 years.


The novitiate is a time to discern and deepen the call to religious life for mission. The purpose of this stage is to accompany the novice in her growth process, as she integrates the human, spiritual and intercultural dimensions.   This stage lasts for 2 years.

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temp votes

Temporary vows correspond to a stage of growth and development, so that the temporary professed sister can continue her formation in the apostolate and in the community. Its purpose is to provide the Sister of Temporary Profession with a deepening of her conviction in living the consecrated life, as a disciple, in the context of mission and community life, today.

Readmission into the Congregation

Readmission into the Congregation of a sister who has lawfully left the congregation after completing the novitiate or after profession can be readmitted by the Congregational Coordinator with the consent of her respective council. The Provincial Co-ordinator and the Congregational Co-ordinator will fix an appropriate period of preparation before temporary profession, as well as a period of temporary vows before perpetual profession.

Congregation Transfer

Congregation transfer of a perpetually professed sister from another religious institute to our congregation takes place with the authorization of both congregational coordinators, given with the consent of their respective Councils. Over a period of three years, Sister is formed into the life and spirit of our congregation. After this period, the Sister may or may not be admitted to perpetual profession by the Provincial Coordinator, with the consent of her respective Council.

Ongoing training

Ongoing formation contemplates the whole person at every stage of life, in the face of current challenges. A constant update is emerging at the level of:

  • Theology;

  • Spirituality;

  • Professional Skills;

  • Renovation opportunities.

Each person is responsible for their ongoing formation. The leadership team ensures that the sisters receive training appropriate to the different stages of life (Const. Art. 84).

Formation of the laity

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Initial formation

Initial formation offers people who sympathize with the Good Shepherd and those who begin their activity in the apostolates in the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, the essential elements for the life and specific mission of the charism of Saint Mary Eufrásia and the spirituality of Saint John Eudes.

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Ongoing training

Ongoing formation will provide the essential elements for the development of a shared mission, taking into account the specificity of the lay vocation and the religious vocation, which share the same spirituality and the same charism. The objectives of this training are:

  • Deepen the role, mission and specific ministry of lay people in mission (friends, collaborators in the different works) and of the sisters, taking into account the diversity of the works in which each one is involved;

  • Develop multidisciplinary teams, made up of laypeople and sisters, bearing in mind the specific mission of the Congregation;

  • Train for the specific leadership of the congregation aiming at a shared mission between ;

  • Taking care of leadership and interpersonal relationships, developing communication skills, conflict management, stress, emotion control, thus solidifying the characteristic values of the Congregation;

  • Study and implement Safeguard policies, which are specific to the charism of the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd;

  • Know and apply the charismatic values, as well as the Social Thought of the Church, especially Justice and Peace, human dignity, care for Creation and integral ecology;

  • Facilitate international experiences to broaden the vision of the mission of the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd;

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